If you're already in the city, or just feel like taking a random adventure to Brooklyn, I suggest you do so to check out the release of the new Good Wood collabo with The Wagon boutique. Info below
Everyone by now, dudes especially should be familiar with the GoodWood chains. Wooden beaded necklaces with a carved wood pendant in the shapes of everything from Jesus, to Africa, to a Pharoah's head..celebs like Nas, Snoop, Erykah Badu and Lebron James, among many others have been spotted rockin' them.
Check em out for yourself at www.goodwoodnyc.com
But cheeaaa.....go to the launch tonight if you so choose to!! Live music, cool merchandise, and all that other cool summer stuff. You've been invited by me ; ) xo
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I've known about it since Monday, LoL FORGIVE ME for waiting until the LAST DAY to share the hookup..but BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!! : )
School's around the corner, you might as well hit up this sale and see what majorly discounted treasures await you. You all know how hard I ride for Diesel..I wouldn't set you up for failure. Plenty of premium denim, cool tees, spare parts (belts, hats, etc) to choose from under every line of the brand including Diesel, Diesel Black Gold, and 55DSL.
Located at 220 W19th Street in NYC..the best way to get there is the 1 train to 18th Street...or the PATH to 23rd and walking up and over. Like I said, it's the last day of the sale, and it lasts from 10-6p. This is your official invite from me..lol...go for it! xo
School's around the corner, you might as well hit up this sale and see what majorly discounted treasures await you. You all know how hard I ride for Diesel..I wouldn't set you up for failure. Plenty of premium denim, cool tees, spare parts (belts, hats, etc) to choose from under every line of the brand including Diesel, Diesel Black Gold, and 55DSL.
Located at 220 W19th Street in NYC..the best way to get there is the 1 train to 18th Street...or the PATH to 23rd and walking up and over. Like I said, it's the last day of the sale, and it lasts from 10-6p. This is your official invite from me..lol...go for it! xo
Wale | "Ambitious Girl" ....Dedicated...To Me.
"Ambitious Girl...you just wanna win..."
I feel like Wale really and truly appreciates the grind and determination of all of us hard-working ladies with a vision to succeed...which is why yesterday, I stopped in the middle of what I was doing to sit in Central Park and take a listen immediately after seeing a link posted on Twitter via his account. Three words after doing so.... I Love It.
This joint preceding his "More About Nothing" mixtape is such a refreshing interruption to the trap music we've all been eating up as of late. I assumed it was going to be a song and was really surprised when I pressed play only to discover that it is actually a spoken-word piece. Different. Creative. Honest. Inspiring.
Really, I can sing praises about it all day, mainly because I AM that Ambitious Girl...that girl that ran up and down Manhattan yesterday in 90+ degree weather with garment and shopping bags and cell phone in hand, the same girl that finished getting off the phone with her school to finalize payments for this semester, the same girl that gives out business cards at any random moment....the girl that does whatever it takes....the girl with AMBITION...ya dig?
So here you go...if you haven't already downloaded this and put it on repeat...take a listen right now to this super mellow set of stanzas....and ENJOY : ) -With Love, Farasha xo
I feel like Wale really and truly appreciates the grind and determination of all of us hard-working ladies with a vision to succeed...which is why yesterday, I stopped in the middle of what I was doing to sit in Central Park and take a listen immediately after seeing a link posted on Twitter via his account. Three words after doing so.... I Love It.
This joint preceding his "More About Nothing" mixtape is such a refreshing interruption to the trap music we've all been eating up as of late. I assumed it was going to be a song and was really surprised when I pressed play only to discover that it is actually a spoken-word piece. Different. Creative. Honest. Inspiring.
Really, I can sing praises about it all day, mainly because I AM that Ambitious Girl...that girl that ran up and down Manhattan yesterday in 90+ degree weather with garment and shopping bags and cell phone in hand, the same girl that finished getting off the phone with her school to finalize payments for this semester, the same girl that gives out business cards at any random moment....the girl that does whatever it takes....the girl with AMBITION...ya dig?
So here you go...if you haven't already downloaded this and put it on repeat...take a listen right now to this super mellow set of stanzas....and ENJOY : ) -With Love, Farasha xo
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Speaking of Amazing Comebacks....MISS LAURYN HILL | "REPERCUSSIONS"
In the midst of the boys reporting on recent findings in their world of hip-hop, I felt it was my duty to update those of you who are just now getting up from up under that rock you've been under on the comeback of Lauryn Hill. Anyone can tell you that I am a HUGE Lauryn fan. The masterpiece that is "The Miseducation" has been a staple and storybook of my life since grade school, so it goes without saying that my heart has been all a-flutter lately with her steadily performing her classics more and more in the past few months.
While we can all still enjoy her hits, she has INDEED been working on some new treasure..."Repercussions", yet another soulful and conscious, vibed out record has been all over the 'net ever since her live performance at the FESPAD Festival in Rwanda on Sunday!!! Please people...without further ado...GET INTO IT...
While we can all still enjoy her hits, she has INDEED been working on some new treasure..."Repercussions", yet another soulful and conscious, vibed out record has been all over the 'net ever since her live performance at the FESPAD Festival in Rwanda on Sunday!!! Please people...without further ado...GET INTO IT...
![]() |
I'm also loving L.Boogie in these voluminous African-print harem pants, unique blazer and jewelry!! |
LoL VOQ!!!!! Absence makes the heart grow fonder right? That means by now you should be crying tears of joy because I've been away for a while...mainly to try my VERY BEST to enjoy summer...as Sdot mentioned in a previous post. I've been hunting for fun, interning/assisting the Fashion Market Editor at Vibe Magazine, and contemplating many moves for the future...with that, I admit I have been QUITE neglectful. Sorry! You forgive me? Good.
Here's what sucks though, I have no camera! So I have not been able to visually chronicle the rare instances that I have experienced summertime splendor such as cookouts, midnight Jersey Shore moves with homies, free concerts in Brooklyn, and fashion shows in the Financial District...you'll just have to take my word for it!! I'll try to slowly bring in some posts of past happenings so as not to bombard you all, but I don't wanna pinky-promise a full out comeback because there are still a few weeks left of reckless summer opportunities away from the computer....but for now...here I am ; )
Stay Tuned!
With Love, -Farasha xo
Here's what sucks though, I have no camera! So I have not been able to visually chronicle the rare instances that I have experienced summertime splendor such as cookouts, midnight Jersey Shore moves with homies, free concerts in Brooklyn, and fashion shows in the Financial District...you'll just have to take my word for it!! I'll try to slowly bring in some posts of past happenings so as not to bombard you all, but I don't wanna pinky-promise a full out comeback because there are still a few weeks left of reckless summer opportunities away from the computer....but for now...here I am ; )
Stay Tuned!
With Love, -Farasha xo
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
He's Back!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I've been M-I-A (Paper Planes status lol) for a bit but September 10th the hiatus ends. The sophomore mixtape V-3 has been ready for a while now but I just felt like taking a break from the booth & putting things into prospective. Well the break is over and its time to keep this party rolling. #DoWork #NoDaysOff #SupportGoodMusic
Sidebar: Gonna drop 2 bonus joints not even on V-3 the week before it drops STAY TUNED :-D
Letter After T, Before V
Sidebar: Gonna drop 2 bonus joints not even on V-3 the week before it drops STAY TUNED :-D
Letter After T, Before V
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I had a nice twitter hip hop discussion today. It made me wonder what goes in to crowning an Album as the "Album of the Year". Is it the hype that leads up to it? The marketing and singles? The album in it's entirety? Is it the season your hot in? How many records you sell? Could it be the collective thinking of the listeners? Or All those things combined? Whatever it is that makes an Album that has released ( or yet to release) the potential Album of the year Rick Ross' Teflon Don is in the discussion. "BMF" has had the summer on lock. people love "MC Hammer" an "Super Hig. "Live fast and Die Young" has Kanye on it so don't even get me started on that. Whether you think Rick Ross is good or not... He is on top. So folks that hate, stop it. Enjoy his shine. This is the summer of Rick Ross and if he does actually get crowned with some album of the year accolades in Hip Hop I wouldn't be surprised. He ran this summer whether you believe he is a drug dealer or not his impact is undeniable. It is well deserved because the man works hard. Support Teflon Don. ENJOI!
Friday, July 16, 2010
101 things in 1001 days
I was inspired by a lovely young lady to do something quite challenging and frankly quite fun. I was over at my friend April's Blog (http://hernameisaprilrose.com/) [I'm on my iPhone so no click thru links] and I stumbled across a post that read "101 things in 1001 Days". I read through it and I felt like the challenge was something I'd be interested in trying. Its a test of will power, endurance, and your drive to persevere. The cool thing about it is that it's mapping out your goals. You set them and it is then up to you to figure out how and when you will achieve all of them. It's a way to Push yourself to your fullest potential which I'm always a fan of. So I decided #Ohledoit (yes I quoted Gucci). You guys know how I feel about talking so I'll just get to the rundown. ENJOI!
The Mission
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
My List
Start date : Sunday August 1st, 2010
End date : Sunday April 28th, 2013
1. Move out my mothers house
2. Find my own apartment (one is very different from 2)
3. Visit at least 2 foreign countries
4. Double my sneaker collection
5. Get a new Car
6. Sell my old one
7. Finish the Sudoku book sitting in my work locker
8. Begin to learn a new language (Spanish, Italian, or Japanese)
9. Record my own full length mixtape :-)
10. Start doing video reviews again
11. Read at least a book a month
12. Attend a Detroit Pistons Game
13. Attend a St. Louis Rams Game
14. Attend a New York Yankees game
15. Re-teach myself Latin
16. Get into a fight (they can't all be positive lol)
17. Go to California, Georgia, and Florida
18. Get good at madden again..
19. Purchase my own PS3 (and/or Xbox 360)
20. Generate at least $1000 in extra income a month (you know how)
21. Buy and sell a house (It's very possible)
22. Give away something to someone who needs it more
23. Create an alternate personality and live it for a day
24. Learn (and properly use) at least 3 new words a week
25. Finish a crossword puzzle
26. Earn at least one new belt in some form of martial arts (preferably Tae Kwon Do)
27. Attempt the fat sandwich challenge (my sandwich name: the Fit Sid - wheat roll, grilled chicken strips, mozzarella sticks, French fries mayo, ketchup and lettuce)
28. Record a bunch of other tracks (at least 12)
29. Become a good enough freestyler to speak on and fluently articulate a subject without repitition (for at least 5 minutes)
30. Do a 100 push ups straight
31. Finish beating grand theft auto
32. Payoff and cut up my credit card
33. Pay off at least half my car note
34. Pay my Rutgers ticket fine and get my Diploma
35. Frame my diploma
36. Consistently post on both my blogs (at least a post a week on VOQ and 10-30 on my tumblr a week) - [No less then 30 post a month in All]
37. Buy my herds duffle
38. Save 20-100 dollars a week
39. Go on a Karmaloop (Breezy Excursion/Fully laced/ Adapt) shopping spree
40. Get my mom, brother and sister a Birthday gift
41. Get my back account consistently in the triple digits.
42. Get my computer fixed and/or get a new computer
43. Make myself cry
44. Log and regulate my eating habits for a period no less than a month but not exceeding 3 months)
45. Earn a starting spot as a Bergen Hawk
46. Pamper a woman for a Day... (choosin at random from: My mom, Grandma, little sis, aunts, cousin, friend.. No strings)
47. Give Blood
48. Get a better and/or second Job
49. Buy clothes that fit my new body
50. Learn how to (and) land a successful backflip
51. See Mos Def, Common, and Kanye in concert (if possible)
52. See MF Doom in concert
53. Go two weeks without using twitter
54. Pay back all the money my moms has lent me
55. Test Drive an expensive sports car (Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Porsche)
56. Get my license back
57. Find reasonably priced car insurance (really freaking difficult)
58. Make a monthly spending Budget
59. Balance and keep track of spending and receipts every month
60. Write a letter to someone
61. Get a new skateboard
62. land a kickflip, heelflip and a hard flip (doesn't all have to be in one sitting)
63. Read the Newspaper 2Xs a week
64. Vegas
65. Take my family out to dinner
66. Dunk a basketball on a 10 ft Rim
67. Watch the Star Wars series in it's entirety
68. Also Bourne Trilogy
69. The Godfathers too
70. Read a Harry potter book
71. Cut my body fat % in half (Goal: 12% or lower)
72. Do community service as often as you can (once a month or every couple months)
73. Eat at Red lobster
74. Pay off my state surcharges EARLY
75. Get a Pic, forced fumble, fumble recovery, and a sack in a game (BH)
76. Go a month without drinking
77. Record every verse I have in my phone - good or bad
78. Cook Dinner for my family
79. Attend my business meetings at least 2 times a month
80. Attend at least 2. Business functions
81. Share my business plan with 1-4 people a week for a year
82. Visit St. Thomas at least 2 more times
83. But new Cleats and Gloves
84. Take my workout "After" Pics
85. Spend a day take pictures of everything that catches my eye
86. Perform 1-3 of my verses at an Open Mic
87. Go to Church and visit a Mosque
88. Add 10-15 new artist to my iTunes library a year
89. Add 3000 songs to my iTunes library
90. Buy an independent artists' album
91. Record a Visions of Quest Track
92. Record a track with Sah and Bash
93. Write a letter to myself and read it in a year
94. Go to one of my little Brothers Baseball Games
95. Go see my little sister in her cheerleading competition
96. Buy Kanye' Good Ass Job THE DAY it comes out.
97. Squat 500 and bench 350 again
98. Volunteer/help coach little league football again
99. Go see a movie in theaters that I like more than once
100. Prank Call a person
101. Put away $5 or $10 for each completed task (depending on difficulty) – the total to be spent shopping at the end of my 1001 days
Sb: (If you feelin brave start your own 101 in 1001 hit up me or April for help :-)
The Mission
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
My List
Start date : Sunday August 1st, 2010
End date : Sunday April 28th, 2013
1. Move out my mothers house
2. Find my own apartment (one is very different from 2)
3. Visit at least 2 foreign countries
4. Double my sneaker collection
5. Get a new Car
6. Sell my old one
7. Finish the Sudoku book sitting in my work locker
8. Begin to learn a new language (Spanish, Italian, or Japanese)
9. Record my own full length mixtape :-)
10. Start doing video reviews again
11. Read at least a book a month
12. Attend a Detroit Pistons Game
13. Attend a St. Louis Rams Game
14. Attend a New York Yankees game
15. Re-teach myself Latin
16. Get into a fight (they can't all be positive lol)
17. Go to California, Georgia, and Florida
18. Get good at madden again..
19. Purchase my own PS3 (and/or Xbox 360)
20. Generate at least $1000 in extra income a month (you know how)
21. Buy and sell a house (It's very possible)
22. Give away something to someone who needs it more
23. Create an alternate personality and live it for a day
24. Learn (and properly use) at least 3 new words a week
25. Finish a crossword puzzle
26. Earn at least one new belt in some form of martial arts (preferably Tae Kwon Do)
27. Attempt the fat sandwich challenge (my sandwich name: the Fit Sid - wheat roll, grilled chicken strips, mozzarella sticks, French fries mayo, ketchup and lettuce)
28. Record a bunch of other tracks (at least 12)
29. Become a good enough freestyler to speak on and fluently articulate a subject without repitition (for at least 5 minutes)
30. Do a 100 push ups straight
31. Finish beating grand theft auto
32. Payoff and cut up my credit card
33. Pay off at least half my car note
34. Pay my Rutgers ticket fine and get my Diploma
35. Frame my diploma
36. Consistently post on both my blogs (at least a post a week on VOQ and 10-30 on my tumblr a week) - [No less then 30 post a month in All]
37. Buy my herds duffle
38. Save 20-100 dollars a week
39. Go on a Karmaloop (Breezy Excursion/Fully laced/ Adapt) shopping spree
40. Get my mom, brother and sister a Birthday gift
41. Get my back account consistently in the triple digits.
42. Get my computer fixed and/or get a new computer
43. Make myself cry
44. Log and regulate my eating habits for a period no less than a month but not exceeding 3 months)
45. Earn a starting spot as a Bergen Hawk
46. Pamper a woman for a Day... (choosin at random from: My mom, Grandma, little sis, aunts, cousin, friend.. No strings)
47. Give Blood
48. Get a better and/or second Job
49. Buy clothes that fit my new body
50. Learn how to (and) land a successful backflip
51. See Mos Def, Common, and Kanye in concert (if possible)
52. See MF Doom in concert
53. Go two weeks without using twitter
54. Pay back all the money my moms has lent me
55. Test Drive an expensive sports car (Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Porsche)
56. Get my license back
57. Find reasonably priced car insurance (really freaking difficult)
58. Make a monthly spending Budget
59. Balance and keep track of spending and receipts every month
60. Write a letter to someone
61. Get a new skateboard
62. land a kickflip, heelflip and a hard flip (doesn't all have to be in one sitting)
63. Read the Newspaper 2Xs a week
64. Vegas
65. Take my family out to dinner
66. Dunk a basketball on a 10 ft Rim
67. Watch the Star Wars series in it's entirety
68. Also Bourne Trilogy
69. The Godfathers too
70. Read a Harry potter book
71. Cut my body fat % in half (Goal: 12% or lower)
72. Do community service as often as you can (once a month or every couple months)
73. Eat at Red lobster
74. Pay off my state surcharges EARLY
75. Get a Pic, forced fumble, fumble recovery, and a sack in a game (BH)
76. Go a month without drinking
77. Record every verse I have in my phone - good or bad
78. Cook Dinner for my family
79. Attend my business meetings at least 2 times a month
80. Attend at least 2. Business functions
81. Share my business plan with 1-4 people a week for a year
82. Visit St. Thomas at least 2 more times
83. But new Cleats and Gloves
84. Take my workout "After" Pics
85. Spend a day take pictures of everything that catches my eye
86. Perform 1-3 of my verses at an Open Mic
87. Go to Church and visit a Mosque
88. Add 10-15 new artist to my iTunes library a year
89. Add 3000 songs to my iTunes library
90. Buy an independent artists' album
91. Record a Visions of Quest Track
92. Record a track with Sah and Bash
93. Write a letter to myself and read it in a year
94. Go to one of my little Brothers Baseball Games
95. Go see my little sister in her cheerleading competition
96. Buy Kanye' Good Ass Job THE DAY it comes out.
97. Squat 500 and bench 350 again
98. Volunteer/help coach little league football again
99. Go see a movie in theaters that I like more than once
100. Prank Call a person
101. Put away $5 or $10 for each completed task (depending on difficulty) – the total to be spent shopping at the end of my 1001 days
Sb: (If you feelin brave start your own 101 in 1001 hit up me or April for help :-)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I have felt bad about not being on and doing more post. Then I really thought about it. It's the summertime. If there was a point in a year where you were suppose to spend all of your time off of a computer... it would be now. So with that realization in mind I have come to the conclusion that I shouldn't force post and constant content on you unless it's of any real substance. For the most part most of you are out enjoying summer (when you aren't tweeting, facebooking or blogging yourselves). So with that in mind I will do the same. Post will come. I am not leaving. Just not over thinking the concept of having and operating a popular blog. I love and appreciate each and ever person who has ever read or taken the time to check out the blog. I really want to show love to those of you who frequent the blog. I know who some of you are others I have no clue but I really and truly want to thank you. I feel like I'm babbling and I hate that feeling so I'm going to stop. So when the next post comes you all will be the first to know. You guys know how I like to end it. ENJOI!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
JAM OF THE WEEK: Wooooooooooo
This track is one of the songs that may utterly make the summer. It starts playing and I get so hyped its not even funny. Im talking about Rick Ross' BMF (Blowing Money Fast). This particular version just so happens to feature the Ghost himself Styles P. I had to post this. ENJOI!
(Get Familiar): Herds that Don't Flock
July 4th will no longer be referred to as the 4th of July because America's Independence won't be the only thing synonymous with the day. It will now be called HERDS of July. Why, you ask? Because one of the most anticipated releases of the year occured on that very sunday.They have finally arrived. Herds of the Fathers fine leather goods is finally here folks!! I know you can here my excitement . This brand is something I watched grow and expand like it was my nephew or something. My Brothers over at Herds have noursihed it into a healthy prosperous entity. I've watched all the work, time and effort Tobi Babajide and Jason Akoi to get to where they are now and its history in the making. I have known these guys for a while now and I have got mad love for them and their drive, ambition and savvy. I remember when I got a facebook message with the subject line that read "follow the journey...need your support" and all the message read was "its time... Herdsofthefathers.com". Before I even finished clicking through to the link I was down. I saw the potential from day one and to watch where it is now is really something that is hard to fathom. One thing I will say is that I am glad to be a witness. This is more of a reintroduction to you, our readers, to these guys. We have have featured them on here before. So its not really that you guys should get familiar so much as you should already be familiar. I really want you guys to understand how creative a market these young black entrepreneurs have tapped into. They sell leather goods. They are not a clothing line, they are not musicians, they are bag designers. This means they are taking on juggernauts like Louie Vuitton and Ralph Lauren head on in a specific market. It's virtually unheard of and really a brilliant move on their part. So they need your support! They have the potential to be as large a name as any of these brands and the ambition to do so. I know I will be buying a bag once my money situation is squared away. I have been waiting to buy a Duffle bag since they first released images and now that it's finally here. I will be following through on that purchase soon (might also get a mini backpack too). So show these guys some love and check out the site. Buy a mini backpack or a regular bag but just show your support. I know I will. ENJOI!
Their Site:
Follow these guys on twitter (Click the Picture):
Their Site:
The Bags(Click through each pic to shop Herds of the Fathers)
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