
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

101 in 1001 days

Those of you that have been following us for a while may have seen or heard about a little task I gave myself a little over a year ago. I made a list of 101 things that I wanted to accomplish in 1001. And I hhave to say that after a year I feel like I haven't accomplished much. I have done a ew things and burnt out on others but that is partially due to me forgetting my list. When you get caught up in all the troubles and intricacies of life you forget what you set out to do and sometimes you forget to live. Im trying to get back to living!!! So I am Re-amped about my list and I will accomplish EVERYTHING on that list! Watch me work y'all! That's it for now.. ENJOI!

My: List: 101 Things in 1001 Days

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