
Sunday, March 6, 2016

What to Watch: Tough Love Web Series

     Ever so often, when I am browsing the internet, I find a show or a youtube page that catches my attention. I'll watch for a bit, be entertained and maybe lose interest after about a week or two and then I'll move on to the next one. The show I'm going to share with you is not one of these shows. I was thoroughly entertained and engaged the entire time with an AMAZING web series called Tough Love. Though I'd love to go into a detailed break down of the show and it's characters I'd rather give you a brief synopsis and have you watch for yourself.
     The show follows the lives of 6 young, black, educated and attractive millennials living in New York City as they go through their daily trials and tribulations with love, sex, work and everything in between. Each of he 6 are the "main" characters and at one time or another have their lives highlighted through the show. The six characters are Quincy and Alicia (The long-term couple), Monica and Darius (The unofficial/back and forth couple), Jackson (The Savage aka Ruthless Bachelor) and Jordan (The Single Lady aka My boo). One thing I enjoyed about the show was the range of lifestyles of the characters. From a street hustler (Darius) to independent business owners (Quincy and Alicia) to investment banking (Jackson). It shows how truly diverse young black people of color are and can be.
      The thing that stood out to me the most was how beautifully and un-apologetically black this show is. There are very few shows on television or major streaming sites that accurately portray young black millennials to this extent and to me it is truly needed. It is a great show to watch, entertaining and I'm excited to see what season two has to offer! To make that happen, the show needs some help. They funded the entire first season on their own and to make the second season happen they have started a GoFundMe page. Once you watch this show you'll realize why they need a season two. I am donating and you should too. It's important to support  other young, beautiful black people doing great things in the areas of art and entertainment so that we can continue to prosper and grow as a people. Even if you're not black, support this show just because it's quality entertainment and will get you all hot and bothered from watching all the on screen eye candy.
     Again, I don't want to draw on too much. Go watch the series for yourself! Below is a trailer for the show, the entire first season, their call to action video for their GoFundMe and how you can connect with the Tough Love Web Series online! That's all for now!

The Official Trailer

All the Season One Episodes

Their Call To Action For Season 2

Tough Love's Website
GoFundMe - Tough Love Series
Faceboook - Tough Love Series
Youtube - ToughLoveSeries
Instagram - @ToughLoveWebSeries
Twitter - @ToughLoveOnline

Be Exceptional! Live Life!
Editor and Contributing blogger,
Instagram: @Sdotbell - @Solereligionsid
Snapchat: @ColdestWinter

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