I love when there is new sneaker news or rumors that hit the web. The sneakerhead community proceeds to plot and scheme for months on end as whether or not the sneakers will release; What they will do when they release; How many pairs they will acquire, and so on. The most recent of the rumors are a slew of new Foamposite releases. The foamposite is easily one of the greatest sneakers ever!! They are heavily sought after in the sneaker community and they are sick shoe to have on your feet. I own two pairs myself and I plan on acquiring plenty more. The coolest thing of it all is when pictures surface. Now there is always speculation on whether these are actual future colorways, just samples, or just photoshoped pics. I just say, hey a guy can dream. So in the pics I have for you guys today we see 5 possible colorways. They all had my heart racing. I want them!! Gotta catch 'em all on some Pokemon stuff. ENJOI!

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