Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I hunger for more

So I know we are a "Hip Hop Blog" by trade but Hip-hop doesn't totally define the make up of each of VOQ's members. I use to proudly boast how diverse my music taste was. I love ALL TYPES of music. If you think it sounds good and worth listening to then send it my way. So I have decided to do a bit of "Hip Hop fasting" for the next two weeks I will be listening to every other genre BUT Rap/Hip-Hop. I feel like my taste in music has become a bit stagnant and too segregated. I'm going to spend these ext two weeks exploring music via Pandora, Youtube and anyone else who would like to recommend music to me. My fast will coincide just in time for my Cookout on the 26th where I will get my full fill of hip hop tunes. If you guys want recommend tunes to me I will give you guys all the necessary info. So my post will also be other genre related. You can call it music appreciation week (well 2 but you get the picture). I want to come out of this with a greater appreciation of the so many genres I have neglected for some time. I'll start with the song that really triggered my resurgence  back to the diverse  world that is music. ENJOI!

SB: You can send me songs via
Twitter: @Sdotbell
Email: Sdotbell@visionsofquest.com
Blogs Email: Visionsofquest@gmail.com
or just comment on any of the forthcoming post


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